Building granny flats in Australian backyard is on the upward trend, and there are a number of reasons for this trend. A granny flat is a self-contained apartment erected in a separate spot from the main building. It can be built for elderly parents, young adult members of your growing family, nannies, home office, hobby room, and more. Granny flats built by professional granny flats builders in Sydney features facilities like separate cooking area, living area, sleeping area, and toilet & bathing facilities.
Here we’ve listed the common mistakes to avoid when building a granny flat.
Don’t Ignore Government Regulations
The conditions for granny flat differ from state to state. So, it’s imperative to discuss with the local authority before starting the building project to ensure that your granny flat project meets the Government regulations. Ignoring any of these regulations puts you on the wrong side of the law and results in the termination of the project.
Not Focusing on the Interior Design
When it comes to building a granny flat, the best granny flat builders in Sydney get a limited amount of space to work. This can make your flat feel less appealing. So, focusing on the internal design goes a long way towards building successful granny flats. From the usage of walls to the cabinets you choose, there are different elements that can enhance the interior of your granny flat. Also, painting the granny flat with neutral colours make the flat look less busy and can also accentuate the light that enters the space.
Failing to Set Up a Budget
Granny flats are much likely a home improvement project, and you must plan a budget before starting working on it. Create an overall budget for the project and then divide the money into categories that cover each aspect of the work. Also, set a limit on your construction costs, and eliminate costly granny flat builders in Sydney from your project.
Not Choosing the Right Builders
The builders you choose, play a vital role in the success of your granny flat project. Making the wrong choice can result in poor design and construction. Choose only the top granny flat builders in Sydney who are punctual and reliable. The builder you choose must take your specific needs into consideration and create a design that you are actually looking for.
The Conclusion
Building a granny flat isn’t as simple as finding a space and erecting a building. A granny flat builder is an important part of this project, and only an insured, reliable builder can bring your dream project into life. So, find the right granny flat builder who can take care of all the aspects of your property into account that adds much value to your property.